The World's First Unboxing Experience Platform

Give your customers the personalized unboxing experiences they deserve, and watch your revenue increase by 10% or more.

  • Personalize with any data point you track
  • Split test your creatives and get performance analytics
  • Increase your reorder rate, brand loyalty, and LTV

What is an Unboxing Experience Platform?

An Unboxing Experience Platform lets you give EVERY customer a physical piece, made just for them, using any piece of data you track.
This platform is how DTC giants can send handwritten notes, create tailored brochures, provide order-specific information (like beauty routines), and double their loyalty signups.
Ecommerce Personalization
“Unboxing Marketing has been incrementally beneficial across the board. We saw an 8.2% lift in reorders and a 5.7% increase in AOV.”
Robbi Webb
Robbi Webb
VP of Ecommerce @amika
“Using a box as a digital screen is a storytelling opportunity that a lot of brands miss. UnDigital makes it all possible.”
Vasiliki Petrou
Group CEO @Unilever Prestige
“Implementing the UnDigital solution has been a game-changer for our fulfillment & customer retention strategy. It's a home run!”
Rob Bowers-1
Rob Bowers
VP of Growth @Concourse Sports
“With UnDigital's In-Package Personalization technology, we reduced customer service calls related to our feeding guidelines by 20%.”
Jason Sussman
COO @PetPlatePetPlate
"Using UnDigital's Unboxing Experience Platform has definitely increased our order volume and our happiness with customers."
Dan Hanlon Super Smalls
Dan Hanlon
Sr. Director of Ops @Super Smalls
“We've really seen our relationship building and customer loyalty expand since we've been using UnDigital's In-Package Personalization.”
Jenny Thomas
Jenny Thomas
Sr. Marketing Mgr. @Malibu C
Personalized Packaging Platform

Build Unboxing Marketing Campaigns

Turn your unboxing experience into a physical touchpoint with a digital foundation.

  • Target segments (down to a segment of 1)
  • Create messaging for each of them
  • Run split tests and get increasingly better results

With the personalization capabilities of an Unboxing Experience Platform, you're going to strengthen your customer relationships in a way you never even thought possible.

Tried & True
A Million Times Over

See why leading Ecommerce brands schedule, publish, and test their unboxing campaigns with UnDigital.

Personalization Reorder Rates

Boost Your Reorders with Unboxing

What would you say if you knew 100% of emails would be opened? That's every digital marketer's dream, or at least it was. Because that's exactly what an Unboxing Experience Platform brings to the table. 
  • You build a targeted message
  • Add any relevant personalization you want
  • They open and consume it every time
It's time to start treating the unboxing experience like you would treat your other touchpoints and develop a strategy for it.
Personalized Unboxing Marketing

Create Happier Customers

Put a smile on their face when you deliver the perfect message to every customer.

Schedule demo »

Dynamic Unboxing Fulfillment

Track Unboxing Engagement

You don't need to guess if your package insert was effective anymore. Now you can see it in the data.

Schedule demo »

Let's Get Started

You're going to use UnDigital's Unboxing Experience Platform to elevate your brand's CX to new heights. The personalization opportunities are limitless and it will become the most impactful marketing initiative you implement this year.

UnDigital Unboxing Campaigns

Let us show you how your brand can...

  • Deliver perfectly personalized unboxing experiences
  • Differentiate your brand from other competitors
  • Delight customers and drive revenue/retention

It's time to take your first step toward delivering an incredible unboxing experience with an ROI-positive solution.